When appraising bb guns, keep in mind that their condition is usually the result of years of play by children outdoors in the elements. Also, most vintage / antique bb guns (Daisy bb guns, Markham bb guns, etc.) are made of steel and are
therefore susceptible to rust, dents,
scratches, etc. A bb gun in excellent to mint condition is
rare and may be worth three to
four times as much as an
average bb gun. Although thousands of each model were
few have survived.
This is certainly true of
bb guns. I am often
asked: "What is my Daisy bb gun
worth?", and I usually answer: "Your gun is
worth whatever you are willing
to sell it for, combined
with what a buyer is willing to pay for it." I have seen a bb gun sell to one
buyer for $50, and to
another buyer for $150 the following day -- same model
gun, same
All parties were pleased with their transaction and everyone
was happy.

To read my Definition of Conditions (mint,
excellent, very good, etc.), click here.
To read my Conditions of Sale (age requirements,
shipping info, etc.), click here.
